Pack Expo: new anti-counterfeit and coding technology
Phil Taylor, 03-Oct-2013
Last month's Pack Expo in Las Vegas saw the launch of a several new products with anti-counterfeit and coding applications.
Rollprint Packaging says it has developed an anticounterfeiting watermark for packaging films that provides "observable, hard-to-replicate embedded brand protection" for medical devices, pharmaceutical packaging and other high-value goods, according to the company. Called Ghost, the watermark can be used on a range of packaging - including pouches - and can be integrated into standard production processes.
Complete Inspection Systems launched HD Barcode, which it describes as a 2D barcode for product authentication without the need for Internet or database look-ups. The company said the code can hold 175 times more data than a traditional 2D barcode - including images and html - and uses a proprietary reading application that allows users to scan and read product details at any location. Each HD Barcode includes a unique manufacturer identification code and only authorized users have the ability to scan and read encrypted data using either a smartphone or PC based application.
HP showcased a new range of thermal inkjet cartridges at Pack Expo - called the HP 45si - that is designed to deliver mild solvent inks, used for printing on non-porous and semi-porous substrates in the product identification market, as well as a new type of solvent ink (HP 2580) designed for printing on coated and blister foils commonly used in the pharmaceutical market. Both the products are scheduled for launch in January 2014.

Two specialists in near field communication (NFC) -
Evrything and
iZipline - have joined forces to develop a line of smart packaging products that can interact with a consumer's mobile device and provide functionality such as brand protection, track-and-trace and facilitating product recalls. The collaboration will focus on the use of iZipline's PackageTagz alongside Evrything's software engine to create packs that connect to the Internet. "We believe that PackageTagz is the first system for applying NFC to individual products by lot during manufacturing," said the firms in a statement.
