
DataTraceID Pty Ltd
A company of DataDot Technology Ltd
9 / 19 Rodborough Road,
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086,
Tel: +61 2 8977 4900
Fax: +61 2 9975 4700
Website: Email:
Company Overview
Originally founded as a joint venture between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and the ASX listed company DataDot Technology Ltd (DDT), DataTraceID Pty Ltd. is now a wholly owned subsidiary of DDT. DataTraceID Pty Ltd. is a global leader in anti-counterfeiting and brand protection, consulting with and offering security solutions to many well-known brands and government authorities. We pinpoint, and mitigate the many threats affecting organizations including, but not limited to counterfeiting, fraudulent warranty claims, diversion / grey market.